Fellow Mob,

Something unfortunate transpired 3/28/2024. For those unaware, scammers drained BPM member JuanTelo's wallets. A large amount of ADA was stolen, and NFTs, incl. a sizable collection of OREMOB 10K NFTs and an OG, were dumped on jpg.store.

Community members quickly noticed, raised red flags, and notified everyone in the general chat. JuanTelo was immediately contacted; the community didn't waste any time and sprung up and, through a collective effort, managed to recoup almost all of his OREMOB collection, including his Unknown and his forever OG.

Through this ordeal, we have strengthened the bonds, boosting morale and appreciation for each other's presence and camaraderie. As we rally around Ore's Art, we also foster a sense of belonging, shared values, and motivation to contribute and be part of something larger than ourselves.

Even though a regrettable event was turned around, we would love to see more of that energy in the coming months and years via the many avenues we're currently exploring, including the upcoming Casing Ceremony, Charity events like Bridges for Music, and partnerships and collaborations with other artists and NFT projects.

To keep in the spirit of what we just described, the team and I would like to extend our gratitude and appreciation to several members of the Mob who went above and beyond for the community and played a vital role in retrieving many of JuanTelo's OREMOB NFTs. I had a call this morning with @JuanTelo⭕✨ to get to know him better and went through to see if we included everyone listed below.


@Lincoln ⭕✨


@uro uro ⭕✨

@2₳MU さむ

@Roshinol ⭕✨

@Markus ✨

@coldjalapeno7 ⭕✨

@ILarsz ⭕✨



You will all be receiving charm rings from

@rowweber and @ore_ore_ore_

To claim them, please create a support ticket, and our Mod Team we'll add you to our recognition list.

For everyone else who contributed, there's more to come, and we are taking names as we go. We aim to reward the community with more perks and surprises as we move towards and beyond the Casing Ceremony.