The Berlin & Tokyo-based Illustrator continues to push the boundaries of traditional anime and manga aesthetics by drawing from influences of street culture, hip-hop, fashion, graffiti, punk, and cartoons. With his unique style and creative language, he can be credited as one of the pioneers of the modern manga/street-culture fan movement, which has been gaining more and more traction on social media outlets in recent years. He has worked with major names such as Tommy Hilfiger, San Holo, Sucuk und Bratwurst, Ali Wong, Devolver Digital, Kontra K, Kalim, City Morgue, Flowers for Society, Sabukaru, and many more.

ベルリンと東京を拠点にヒップホップ、ファッション、グラフィティ、パンク、カートゥーンといったストリートカルチャーから影響を受け、アニメやマンガをベースに枠に囚われない表現を続けるイラストレーター。 その独自のスタイルとクリエイティブな言語によって、現代のマンガ/ストリートカルチャーファンからも評価を受け、近年ではソーシャルメディアでますます注目を集めている。 また、Tommy Hilfiger、San Holo、Sucuk und Bratwurst、Ali Wong、Devolver Digital、Kontra K、Kalim、City Morgue、Flowers for Society、Sabukaru.onlineなど、多くのブランドやアーティストとコラボレーションも行う。


ORE’s project

ORE’S project is a collection of unique sets of characters forged and mined from the visions of the artist ORE ORE ORE.

Acclaimed for building a distinctive visual identity, the Berlin based artist creates a unique narrative in his pieces, drawing from 90s and Y2K nostalgia while at the same time celebrating modern underground-, street- and pop culture. Striking between reality and nostalgia, youth and delinquency, money and art, scars and resolve.

Have Fun At Work.jpeg

Why Cardano?

The NFT market has quickly evolved into a real perspective for artists to sustain and develop their unique perspectives and minds. It is without a doubt part of an evolution towards something new and existing.

To ORE ORE ORE and the team behind this NFT drop it is of the highest priority that the steps towards this evolution are being taken with a progressive and environmentally conscious mind.

Sabukaru Magazine

How to write it?