
This process aims to see a portion of the OREMOB PFP collection as immortalised OGs. OGFy happens over time with a steady creation of pieces for upcoming OG mints. Intertwining PFP & OG collections furthers the future depth of the MOB’s lore and storytelling.

Traits and their pieces carry unique stories that unfold in a myriad of ways. ORE ORE ORE selects a trait from the 10k PFP collection at regular intervals and reveals it on Twitter/X. An OG is then crafted from a piece containing the chosen trait. Each piece appears in a future OG drop with the new metadata showing their rarity and adding a direct link to their OREMOB PFP #.

Only unlisted pieces qualify to be transformed into OGs. The holders of drawn PFPs receive significant rewards within the OREMOB ecosystem. Rewards will include (and alternate between) WL spot for upcoming OG drop, a free physical fashion piece from the project.

A “Hall of Fame” will be established - denoting the PFPs that have elevated to the OG realms.

Changes + Rules

Parameter Changes:

The process

  1. ORE ORE ORE will choose a trait from the 10k collection
  2. He will reveal said trait on “X” via a new lore “Chapter” from The Herald
  3. Within a week he will create an OG that contains it
  4. In the lead-up to our OG drop we will announce WL process for all winners

The eligible, and what winners reap

  1. Only unlisted pieces are eligible to win, and be created in OG format
  2. Floaters & MOB pieces can be chosen
  3. If a chosen piece is listed & sold between the time of trait reveal, and the reveal of the resulting OG - the final holder at time of OG reveal will receive the WL
  4. If the chosen PFP is listed upon reveal, nobody receives the WL