In conversation with Ole Paland

An interview taken from our June Issue. In this special issue, we wanted to give light to artists, especially illustrators and painters, to know how to quarantine time affected their lives and their process. We wanted to showcase a different story, different arts to give a voice and platform for these creators.




KALTBLUT: It’s been almost 2 months since self-isolation has been enforced worldwide, how are you feeling?

Ole: I’m doing ok. I’m still not used to the whole situation though. It’s funny to me how much I missed meeting people during those past months because I usually am a pretty reserved person who doesn’t go out that often. But not being able to meet my friends in person really showed me how important that stuff is to me.


KALTBLUT: What have you been doing to pass your time in quarantine?

Ole: Mostly I’ve been working and sleeping a lot. Got my sleeping rhythm all mixed up. It’s been a few videocall-heavy months. But I appreciate how fast people find ways to adapt to the situation. Playing D&D, watching movies together, even celebrating birthdays over a zoom call was certainly a fun experience but there is just so much that you can do to simulate the real thing.


KALTBLUT: How has the situation affected your work?

Ole: I certainly had a tonne of time to think about what I do, what I wanna do and how I want my work to develop in the future. Reflecting on myself has really influenced my way of working. I really want to work more conceptionally and wish to improve on the possibility to tell a unique and interesting story through a single image.